Monday, November 14, 2011


Well, we've really cracked down on getting our home ready for the spring! Thankfully we have had lots of help in getting things ready. We are in the final phases of painting our house (we chose the color night safari) and hope to complete this before it gets too cold out! Jack was really excited to be able to help dada out with all the fun stuff :)
Jackson is more amazing everyday! Some of his favorite words right now are moon, zipper, broom, boo, and pumpkin. Of course, his pronunciation isn't exact, but we can understand it really well. He also is using sign language more and more. Last night he signed "all done" perfectly! Hopefully our hard work with teaching him this will pay off when the terrible 2's hit :)
 He is also walking! He started taking steps almost a month ago, and I followed him around with a camcorder for days! He then decided to wait almost a month more and now, he is off! He's funny because when he walks he keeps his left arm out in front of him for balance, but he's doing great!
Well, it's stating to get colder and colder, and in only 10 days, our favorite holiday will arrive...Thanksgiving. Not only are we excited to eat lots of great yummy food, but hanging with family is our favorite part! Joey's brother Michael and his wife Sarah and the kids will be joining us for Thanksgiving! Next will be Christmas and Joey's brother Casey and his family will be joining us for Newark, DE....Can't wait!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Well, this is my first time blogging or online journaling! Looking forward to having something new to share with our family and friends! This time of year is my absolute favorite time! The beautiful leaves, the way the sun shines through them, sweatshirts, and the cool crisp smell of fall!
Jackson is officially 14 months old, and boy has the time flown by! He is the absolute joy of our lives! His favorite thing to do is to be outside! Crunchy leaves, pointing up in the sky and saying moooon! puckering his lips in a perfect "O" and hooting like an owl.  He warms our hearts and makes us smile :)
Yesterday was Halloween and we went trick-or-treating for the first time. Papa, Nana and Aunt Suzy where at our house while we got ready for our first trick or treat. We started our adventure at Grandpa and Grandma McGinnis's and ended at GiGi's house (but Jack was sound asleep). He had a great time and even made his own three syllable sound ta-ta-ta when we asked him to "say trick-or-treat!"

We had a great night and made many new memories as we took our little man out on Halloween for the first time!